The "Making Aid Work for Displaced Women" Online Project Launch webinar recording is now available. Watch now.
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Dr Sandra Pertek moderated a high-level panel discussion on Conflict, Displacement, Refugees, and Women’s Health during the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York. The session brought together senior leaders from KSRelief, UNFPA, UNHCR, IOM, WHO, and IMC to discuss placing displaced women at the heart of humanitarian aid to prioritise their health and wellbeing. The conversation focused on the need for diverse partnerships to address the intersecting needs of women and girls in displacement.

Dr Sandra Pertek

International Development Department<br> UKRI Future Leaders Fellow at the School of Government and School of Social Policy and Society<br> Senior Research Fellow<br><br> <b>Dr Sandra Pertek</b> is a Principal Investigator of “Making Aid Work for Displaced Women”, UKRI Future Leaders Fellow and Associate Prof. at the International Development Department at the University of Birmingham, and Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies in Doha. Previously she served as a Lecturer at the Institute for Global Health and Development, Queen Margaret University and an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Birmingham, following her role as an Impact and Policy Fellow in the SEREDA project at the Institute for Research into International Migration and Superdiversity (IRiS). She has led a number of research assignments, including in Ethiopia, Jordan, Poland, Tunisia, Turkey, UK, Ukraine and Zambia.<br><br> She is an interdisciplinary researcher and social development specialist with expertise in violence against women and girls (VAWG) with over a decade of experience in humanitarian, development, and migration settings. Bridging research, policy, and practice, she has consulted for international and governmental organisations, including the European Commission, GIZ, the Home Office, and Islamic Development Bank. She has also collaborated with various organisations, such as the UNHCR, OIC and IFRC. Before joining the University of Birmingham, Sandra was a Senior Policy Adviser on Gender at a leading humanitarian agency, where she authored its Gender Justice Policy and spearheaded a gender, inclusion and protection strategy.<br><br> She has published several articles on gender, religion and forced migration in leading journals and co-authored the monograph, ‘On the Significance of Religion in Violence Against Women and Girls’ (Routledge) and her new monograph, ‘Violence against Women, religion and Forced Displacement: Experiences and Humanitarian Responses’, is underway.<br><br> Social Media

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